
Friday, 29 May 2020

Thanos - Questions

Thanos - Questions

Highlight the correct answer for each question.


1) Where is Thanos from? Titan

a) Whanganui b) The Moon
c) Titan d) Storm

2) What were the infinity stones supposed to do? Wipe half the universe

a) Decorate the Gauntlet b) Wipe half the universe
c) Destroy the Avengers d) Diamonds prepared for a wedding ring

3) What were Thanos’ daughters' names?  Gamora and Nebula

a) Gamora and Nebula b) Blossom and Bubbles
c) Amaya and Raven d) Black Widow and Catwoman

4) What else is Thanos known as?  Lord

a) Father b) Idol
c) Mr Goodwin d) Lord

5) Avengers and Thanos once worked as a team.True
a) True b) False

6) Why did Thanos want to wipe out half of the universe?  bring stability to the universes’ resources.
a) so he could be the strongest alive. b) people would always bow down to him.
c) bring stability to the universes’ resources. d) so he could live forever.

7) Between what years was Thanos said to be born?1013 - 1018
a) 1013 - 1018 b) 2018 - 2023
c) 1990 - 1996 d) 1111 - 1114

8) Team Avengers or Team Thanos - which team would you choose?Avengers
a) Avengers b) Thanos

9) How did Thanos die? He cut off at head 

10) Explain Thanos’ main objective and what he needed to do:

 ->  Thanos main object is to bring stability to the universe.

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Cruella de Vil Writing/Cloze

Cruella de Vil - Questions

Cruella de Vil - Questions

Highlight the correct answer for each question.


1) Who wrote the original book, The Hundred and One Dalmatians?Dodie Smith

a) Dorothy Smith b) Donald Sanson 
c) Dodie Smith d) Dodie Sanson

2) When was this book written? 1956

a) 2000 b) 1850
c) 1961 d) 1956

3) How could you describe the first 101 Dalmatians movie?  Animated
a) Animated b) Live-action

4) Why did Cruella de Vil want the Dalmatian puppies so much?She wanted to make a fur coat   a) She wanted lots of puppies to make her life more interesting b) She wanted company
c) She wanted to make a fur coat d) She wanted to win a world record

5) What are the names of Cruella de Vil’s accomplices? Jasper and Horace

ScaryBecausea) Jasper and Henry b) Jasper and Horace
c) Wallace and Gromet d) Tweety and Sylvester

6) Who did Cruella steal puppies from?Anita Darling
a) Anita Dearly b) Anita Darling
c) Anita Lovely c) Anita Caring

7) What two characteristics are mentioned in the song lyrics about Cruella de Vil? Her teeth and her eye brow

a) Her hair and her finger nails b) Her eyes and her nose
c) Her lips and her stare d) Her teeth and her eye brows

8) Who should beware of Cruella de Vil, as mentioned in the song? Children
 a) Children b) Puppies
c) The Prime Minister d) Mr Goodwin

9) Would you like to come face to face with Cruella de Vil? Why or why not? No Because she is Scary 

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Furby Acrostic Poem

Furby Acrostic Poem

We are writing an acrostic poem.
For each letter of Furby write a word or phrase.


What do you really think about Furbies?

Would you like to have had a Furby? 
a) Yes b) No


-> because my brother might think I am a  girl.

Furby - Questions

Furby - Wikipedia
Furby - Questions

1) What is a Furby?
 -> a Furby is a robotic toy

2) Which company first released the Furby toy?:
a) Tiger Electronics b) Toyworld
c) Pt England School d) McDonalds

3) What year was the Furby first released?
 -> 1998 

4) How many Furbies were sold in 1999?
a) 1.8 Million b) 14 Million
c) 1.4 Million d) 40 Million

5) What is Furbies language called?
a) English b) Furbese
c) Furbish d) Furben

6) Which company later released Furbies in 2005?
 -> Hasbro

7) What language could Furbies be programmed to speak?
a) Samoan b) Spanish
c) Japanese d) At least 24 of them

8) According to the article, why did people love Furbies?

 -> they loved Furbies because they thought that the Furbies are smart.


Problem Solving Wednesday May 13 2020

Toy Poster

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Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Now that's what I call Music!

Hanson - Questions

Hanson - QuestionsHanson - Mmm Bop | Releases, Reviews, Credits | Discogs

Highlight the correct answer for each question.


1) What was Hanson?
 ->  they are three brothers from tulsa

2) Which of these people were not a member of Hanson?:
a) Taylor b) Isaac
c) Zac d) Carl

3) Where are Hanson from?
 -> Tulsa United states

4) What is Hansons most popular song?
a) Hold on b) End of the road
c) Strive to succeed d) MMMBop

5) Which of the Hanson brothers is the oldest?
 ->  Isaac Hanson 

6) Zac Hanson plays which instrument for the band?
a) Drums b) Guitar
c) Keyboard d) Tambourine

7) Which of the Hanson brothers does not sing in the band?
a) Taylor b) Isaac
c) Zac d) Trick question

8) What do you think the song MMMBop is actually about?

 ->  It was about a frame of time