How to be a good son/daughter
T | Title - What you will be explaining |
I | Introduction - Tell your audience what the topic is about and what is to be explained. |
I | Information - Explain the elements or steps in a logical sequence |
C | Conclusion - Final summarising statement, an evaluation or comment about what you have explained. |
Clean the house
Wash the dishes
Make breakfast for mothers/fathers day
Do things before your family tells you to do it - initiative
Look after your younger siblings
Using your manners
Respectful to everyone
Obey - listening to instructions and do it
Title | How to be a good son/daughter |
| I am going to explain how to be a good son and daughter. An example of being a good son and daughter is to listen and help your parents. |
Information 1st Reason S E E | One way to be a good son or daughter is to not talk back to your mum, for example when your mum says to take the toys to your room you say yes,and respond.
Information 2nd Reason S E E | A another way to be a good son or daughter is to wash the dishes so your mum doesn't have to tell you twice.
Information 3rd Reason S E E | One way to be a good son or daughter is after you play with your toys remember to pick it up or your mum of dad will tell you off.
Conclusion | Remember to always be good to your parents.